ultime notizie

Documents A.Y. 2024/2025

New documents are available for the housing allocation request for the 2024-2025 academic year. Go in the Notice page to download the request form...   CONTINUA


Surrounded in a great green area, our residences stand behind the Cravino university pole and very near to the main lines of communication and...   CONTINUA

Bando A.A. 2016-17

New documents are available for the housing allocation request for the 2016-2017 academic year. Go in the Notice page to download the request form...   CONTINUA

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    1. Scaricare il modulo di richiesta alloggio
    2. Scaricare il regolamento
    3. Sottoscriverli e inviarli alla mail info@campuspavia.it unitamente ad un documento di identità.

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