
Here for you some useful numbers in case of need, for exemple to contact the Campus Direction or to manage unexpected emergences.

0382 5011
0382 539393 (Filippo)
0382 383622

(Ing. Tiziano Pacchiarotti: 335 57 56 813)
0382 576576
0382 756075

Campus residence are in 15, Strada della Cascinazza. From the train station and the city center you can easily arrive by taxy or with bus number3 and 7(see the map below). Getting there from the “Tangenziale” (Ringroad) of Pavia, please use the exit “Istituti Universitari“.

Cordinates for GPS navigation: Lat. 45.206985 Lon. 9.140660.

Use the link below to download the maps and the routes of Pavia’s public services. On official site of Line S.p.A. you can find all informations to move in the town day and night.

Pavia Map Pavia's urban network map Autoguidovie Google Maps



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